
Adoption Status: Open
Age: 5 yrs
Weight: 16kg
Adoption Area: Vic
Adoption Fee: $1000
Source No: RE145193
Microchip: 953010004916288
Age: 5 yrs
Weight: 16kg
Adoption Area: Vic
Adoption Fee: $1000
Source No: RE145193
Microchip: 953010004916288
Important Information
Say hello to Clara
Clara is a beautiful soul with heart of gold.
Clara loves are her pool and people and her pool and kids and her get the gist?
She is one very happy, happy dog that likes a small walk but nothing to strenuous because she has a rolled knuckle on her front leg which she has had since she was a pup, she desperately needs to lose some weight to take pressure off this leg and generally to improve her wellbeing so can even more happier than what she already is. Clara is in great health and disposition but that weight needs to go.
She will regular light exercise and an appropriate diet to reduce her weight.
Clara would be good with another quiet mild mannered boy dog and goods with kids over 10 yrs of age.
Clara would love the opportunity to curl up on the couch with her new Family, go for lesuriely walks and be treated like the queen she thinks she is
- No cats
- Other male dog of similar size
- Shell pool
- Happy in a small back yard
- No children under the age of 10
- Must have access to the house at all times.
- Work, can work but not extensive hours or stay at home work